Discover the real secrets to naturally turn back your biological clock, reverse weight as you age, enhance how you look (and feel), and banish physical exhaustion & mental fatigue for good!
Is exhaustion & mental focus worsening as you age?
No matter if you’re a man or woman who’s crossed the age of 40, or you’re someone who’s still in the prime years of life – you’re probably here reading this message for one reason… you’re worn out and on edge.
Here’s the honest truth about aging and our bodies (and brains)…
As we age, our bodies (and especially our hormones!) can become much more volatile, problematic, and more expensive than ever before. We find ourselves fatiguing more quickly, or not having the energy to keep doing what we have been doing previously. And as we move beyond our 30’s and 40’s, our lives not only change dramatically – but so do our brains.
Sure, you may have packed on several pounds of pesky and unwanted body fat, and your own energy levels may have plummeted – but the good news is, this part is REVERSIBLE. What keeps me up at night, what causes me to lose sleep is the lack of attention paid to having a healthy brain!
Just because you’ve gotten older, doesn’t mean that you have to settle for feeling lousy or lacking energy to do the things you want. Age is literally just a number. It doesn’t have to define you and your health.
But what it does mean is that we have to learn to read the signs of an inflamed brain – subject to all kinds of unhealthy habits and behaviors (even among the most skilled of patients). Lack of sleep, stress overload, poor detoxification, brain fog, and the inability to control glucose and insulin are all signs of what I call “bad brain”.
With all that being said, I’m about to show you a very SIMPLE + PROACTIVE APPROACH to finally turn back your biological clock to a more youthful, energetic and focus-driven time so you can feel better than ever before.
The approach I’m about to show you will look at your ENTIRE mind + body health. This isn’t another one-sided approach like most ‘fad diets’ or exhaustive workout routines that only deplete and wear down your body (and are not realistic or maintainable).
No, the effective approach I’m about to reveal to you is a much more realistic, manageable, and maintainable… one that you can implement now and is an amazing investment into your future.
Unlike fad supplements or other gimmicky, so-called “Do-It-Yourself” health coaching plans, this doctor-guided approach is one that will not only help you root out fatigue and roll back the clock in a very natural way - but help you stay that way.
And it all starts with gaining those first ounces of energy on your mission to BECOME UNSTOPPABLE…
Why “Functional Medicine?”
Because once you discover your root cause or causes and are able to connect the dots working with me toward a natural solution – and do it in a very natural way that works with your body… without fad diets, crazy workout plans or diet pills)...
…then your life and what’s important for your wellbeing will be much easier in the future!
It’ll put you in full control (and understanding) of your own health. This will EMPOWER you to take control of your own healing, navigate your own journey, and help slow any future health deterioration.
That’s what I call Unstoppable!
The Power To Heal 4 Core Energy Zappers Robbing You Of Your Most Precious Asset —Your HEALTH!
Ask yourself the following… and, if the answer is “Yes” to any of these, then this program could be a life-changing opportunity! Are you...
With my “Zero To Unstoppable” formula, I believe that you can bounce back quickly in your own life.
And it all starts with what I’ve discovered to be the “sweet spot” trapped inside those FIRST 90 Days …
Meet Dr. Doug Pucci
As a doctor and expert in functional medicine with more than 30 years of clinical experience, I know your suffering all too well!
In fact, most patients seeking out Pucci Wellness have been to doctor after doctor after doctor before finding me (i.e. someone who cares). Even among seasoned natural health seekers, this is not their “first rodeo”.
They have sought treatment for all kinds of long-standing inflammatory or detoxification concerns that cause fatigue, rob them of precious energy (and life), causing hormones to run amok, weight gain, further stress, mental anguish, and age them way too fast.
Join me to learn a few of my proven practices, procedures and protocols taken from more than three decades in service to the community:
“Dr. Douglas J. Pucci, functional medicine specialist and founder, Pucci Wellness Center, in Oradell, NJ, is passionate about leading from the frontlines of medicine and breaking down access to treatment for patients. That’s why he’s created these programs: To provide knowledge at your fingertips in bite-sized chunks of his wisdom.
Now more as ever, I am deeply concerned about the number of patients who contact our office with a long list of medications, vitamins, and a history of emergency room visits.
People start to panic because they see a lack of control over their own health.
Plus they use nutrition incorrectly, substituting products off the shelf for the features they would want in a drug, even knowing that nutrition alone cannot compensate for unresolved, chronic health issues.
We invite you to apply below for our premier “Zero To Unstoppable” program, where I’ll translate a large amount of complex material into a clear and compelling story that is ultimately about getting your health – and life – back.
As I like to say about the journey toward better health: “I am not looking at identifying diseases, per se; I am putting the pieces of the puzzle together to understand the individual qualities of you.”
If you’re looking to…
… then you’re in the right place!
Maybe you tell yourself…. “It’s just the effects of getting older” or “maybe it’s my genetics”, or “maybe I just burned myself out working so hard”?
Most likely, you’ve already put a lot of effort into your health… only to be told “everything is ok” and “you are in the normal range”.
All the while, you have seen a steady decline in your energy and unwanted fat showing up from literally nowhere – despite eating better and exercising harder than ever.
As an in-demand expert in functional medicine, neurology, and nutrition, with over 30 years successfully treating patients just like you, I am on a mission to help as many patients as possible get well now!
You’ve probably tried many things to get healthy but you’re just not sure what else to try or who to trust, right?
You might be at your wits end and sleepless, dealing with burnout, and doubting your instincts…
… or might feel failed by your own health and our healthcare system.
But the truth is… it’s not your fault.
The good news is, you can start to adjust those factors overnight.
I’ve had patients experience an immediate reduction in symptoms simply by reclaiming lost energy! For some patients that’s maybe 50% improvement before we even work together 1-on-1 or add in nutrition.
In a nutshell, it’s about activating the 4 CORE pillars driving sustained long-term health and well-being. These are what I believe to be the foundation for all good health:
Through years of education and refinement, this methodology has helped thousands of patients… and that’s why I don’t want you to waste a single minute remaining stuck with persistent symptoms, simply because no one shared this crucial information with you!
Can you imagine how good that would feel…
Because here's the thing...
You've probably tried many things to regain control over your weight, diabetes or prediabetes but you're just not sure what else to try or who to trust, tight?
You might be lying awake at night, worried what diabetes will do to your health, your family, your career...
... stressed out about rising prescription costs for your diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure medications,
... feeling terrible from the side effects that ruin your quality of life.
... or feeling betrayed by your own body and a dysfunctional healthcare system that keeps telling you that type 2 diabetes can't be reversed.
And even worse... you may be dealing with emotional overwhelm, feeling guilty that you didn't take better care of yourself, all the while feeling embarrassed about "what the doctors will say" when you go for your next visit.
You may also feel like your diabetes limits your quality of life and ability to travel, go out to restaurants with friends, and attend celebrations and parties.
Through years of education and refinement, this methodology has helped thousands of patients… and that’s why I don’t want you to waste a single minute remaining stuck with persistent symptoms, simply because no one shared this critical information with you!
The good news is, you can start to adjust those factors in 90 days or less and experience at least a 50% reduction of symptoms!
In a nutshell, it’s about activating the 4 CORE pillars driving sustained long term health and well-being that can also help you cope when you’re newly diagnosed:
It is possible, as I have seen with countless of our patients… and this is why I created a transformational 12-week group program...
This “hit the ground running” program covers the implementation of the CORE 4 Principles that I use everyday in practice with my patients.
This formula is one I’ve developed over decades to bring about sustained, long-term energy and healing without the use of fake chemicals, quick fixes, fad diets, or miracle cures.
It’s what I consider to be a foundational week-by-week series of actionable steps for you to take into your own life and build upon right away – It’s a campaign where I combine the best of my 30+ years of experience into one powerful, truly life-changing program.
I give you all the information you need in short handouts, or what I call “lessons”, and pair it with my “support on demand” group coaching for true health transformation and success.
I’ll share in a moment why this approach is more powerful than just a 1-on-1 meeting with a doctor.
Foremost, and although I love to follow the science when it comes to making clinical decisions, what I’ve found is that it’s the easy health habits that patients can actually understand (and stick to) that are the hallmarks of success!
Look, health is wealth.
If you don’t have it, nothing else matters.
The “Empowerment Over Diabetes”
12-Week Group Program
This comprehensive group program covers the implementation of the CORE 4 that drives sustained, long-term cardiometabolic health without toxic or expensive drugs.
It allows you to be in the drivers seat when it comes to managing your own glucose levels and your overall health… without relying on medications for the rest of your life that may or may not work in the long-term.
It’s the cheapest and fastest path to better health – combining the best of my 10+ years of experience into one powerful, truly life-changing program with in-depth, advanced information, powerful exercises, amazing tips, hacks and tools paired with group coaching.
I’ll share in a moment why a group structure is infinitely more powerful than just meeting with me 1-on-1, especially when it comes to establishing easy health habits that are easy to stick to!
For one, it helps you to realize that you are not alone and type 2 diabetes is a condition that people from all backgrounds struggle with.
The information and group coaching will help you take efficient action towards better health, and is an amazingly affordable investment…
…because health is wealth:
If you don’t have it, nothing else matters.
Here’s what we cover:
To change what’s not right about your health, we’ve got to make some new habits stick. It all starts with having a headspace for healing, and a couple easy, inertia-busting strategies in place as we begin to “turn the ship” around.
Both your brain and your body will settle into routine patterns and the only way to reverse this is to jumpstart your body’s machinery, called metabolism that converts food into “fuel” for energy. Without energy, cells begin to close down and fail, leaving you feeling exhausted and frail.
Where things tend to go awry is in our middle years when our bodies have accumulated a lifetime burden of toxins, often stored as fat and in other “metabolically active” organs (thyroid). That subsequent shift in hormones can be hard to correct if we don't first downregulate the toxic load and then release them safely, and daily, as wastes.
Our bodies have amazing capacities for healing, to bounce back from all kinds of infections, ailments, and wounds. And while the full energy potential of our immune system health is a true “force” of nature, the energy cost itself is enormous. Inflammation, also called "The Silent Killer", is what drives disease processes. How we rebuild our microbial terrain and harness this healing force is key to our own healing powers.
A body that is trapped in survival mode produces a stress response that negatively affects gut-brain chemistry, causing all kinds of inner “turmoil”, unfocused energy, and physiological distress.
Instead, we want to hone the body’s need for “parasympathetic” tone and put an end to unrest and madness that drains us of energy.
Each decade of life passes more quickly than the next, meaning that every step we take now to roll back the clock and shape our genetic destiny requires energy and purpose that we don’t yet have and need to dig deep to find.
If we are able to overcome the myth that all that’s needed is “a tiny bit” more will power and instead learn a few habits and tiny tweaks to overcome fatigue, wake up productive, and feel energized, then I look forward to meeting the (unstoppable) person you will become!
For years now I have discussed a lot about our brain and body wellbeing, autoimmune disease, the warning signs that tell us our immune systems are on overdrive, and much more.
We’ve talked about how to lose weight, reverse metabolic diseases, and turn your body into a fat burning machine, all by harnessing your body’s own systems.
We’ve run an energy challenge to explore the contents of your microbial terrain and what it means for you, your “expression”, and your genes.
In all this time, I asked a simple question (to readers like yourself) when it comes to these subjects…
The overwhelming response was - YES!
With that being said, I have great news for you!
We have finally launched what I believe is the only solution available today for sharing with you what is at the root of your low energy and fatigue. And it combines into one package all the above components!
Each weekly lesson will contain one overarching, information-packed nutrition and lifestyle lesson, one or more “swift action” steps to take right away, and an inspirational video message from me about how to consider the homework. Plus, anyone who’s heard me talk knows there’s always EXTRA insights and clinical gems simply for participating!
This program will include such topics as:
These lessons will be released once per week for 12-weeks (covering a total of 6 modules across 12 lessons) so you can conveniently review the materials at your own pace (on whatever device you prefer… smartphone, desktop or tablet).
Watch for each lesson to arrive in your inbox weekly. Watch my video, download any handouts, and follow any links to resources and quizzes.
In addition, my team and I are here for support, and all the tools you need should be contained within the toolkit.
Plus, tune in every other week for your “Support On Demand” LIVE Q&A. That is your time to ask me questions about each of the modules and what’s been happening since the last session.
Because it’s what happens between official doctor’s visits that matters.
This program is especially suited to
Once you attain this information and put it to use in your own life, it’ll allow you to experience a new-found awareness of your body and how it functions.
This will not only make you feel more naturally energized (and on a more consistent basis), but it’ll also help you be in more control of your own health and happiness.
And as added bonuses, you’ll also get…
Plus, if you enroll in the Z2U Complete Program, you’ll also get to…
This program is perfect for you if you feel like you’re on the verge of a mid-life misstep or have any kind of growing uncertainty and madness surrounding your mental and physical fitness.
It’s also ideal if you simply have an overall interest in food, hypersensitivities, immune resilience, optimal performance, and how to overcome nagging, pesky symptoms like gastric bloat and fatigue, hormone imbalance and even poor energy and foggy thinking that affect you and your family!
But before we officially sign you up, I’d like to know if you have anything that you’d like me to also cover or include for you specifically, as well.
If so, you can email me.
Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
In the past, patients typically saw a doctor whenever they were sick… in a sense, they never thought about their health unless they were sick. While doctors can certainly address these incidents, it’s a poor model for those who’s care has been chronically mismanaged or who need guidance getting to a place of optimal health.
That’s why at Pucci Wellness, we give you the best of both worlds:
The chart above depicts health outcomes over a 5 year span, comparing a doctor-only approach (red line) with one based on doctor visits paired with our Z2U program (blue line).
Working 1-on-1 with a functional medicine doctor (red line) can provide quick health gains using a combination of diagnostic tests, pharmaceutical-grade supplements and targeted interventions…
… but it oftentimes is merely the functional medicine version of a conventional doctor’s “fix”: Not enough time and education to really provide an understanding why you’re in “trouble” in the first place, and what to do instead!
At Pucci Wellness, we know that true lasting health also requires deeper education on how to make lifestyle & dietary changes stick, so you can continue to make health gains without having to depend on a doctor long-term (compare health gains at 3 or 5 years between the blue and red lines!)
After tens of thousands of patients, I have found that for 100% of them, deep-rooted fatigue, or lack of energy, is the real problem – and that empowering them with the foundational knowledge on the Core 4 Energy Robbers, then we can dramatically level up beyond what is otherwise expected.
In a nutshell, here’s the 4 reasons why our Zero 2 Unstoppable Program has proven superior compared to doctor-only approaches:
What we have found is that patients who are educated about “The Big Why”...
…get better results, faster.
Magic happens when you’re in community with other people with the same challenges. Together we find ways to hold each other accountable so we all succeed!
I am sure the next thing you’re wondering is… how much?
Well, to make this life-changing transformation available to as many people as possible, I’ve priced this program at a low-cost offer for just a single payment of $495 (VIP Option).
And then, I’ve even done a bit better than that! As many of you might already be aware, if you’ve done your homework, working with me 1-on-1 typically costs quite a lot!
When we run the required tests, and discuss all your action steps one by one, you might be looking at 5x that fee.
But, my goal was to make this program very accessible to you (it was originally designed as a $2,997 offer with a lot of bells and whistles) so that you can get the information that so many people are lacking – that is keeping them stuck in the cycle of their symptoms instead of enjoying life.
12-Week Health Coaching - no VIP
Z2U Complete
(Includes 1-on-1 Session with VIP status)
If you have any questions regarding the “Zero To Unstoppable” program, what it entails, and whether it’s right for you (including which level of commitment would be best), please call us at 201.261.5430 and mention the word "unstoppable", or click the button below and one of our team members will be in touch.
How To Prevent, Manage & Even Reverse Diabetes!
Plus, we have an exciting year-end promotional offer right now:
$250 off the EOD program if you register by 12/23. Additional $100 off for each buddy you bring along.
This is a tremendous value considering the average diabetic spends $16,000 per year on health care
When you invest in your health, there is no greater return on investment because it upgrades literally every area of your life!
My goal was to make this program very affordable so that you can get the information that so many people are lacking - that is keeping them dependent on prescription medicines for the rest of their lives! If you were to receive this level of care 1-on-1 with our team it would cost over $4,000 dollars.
PLUS, All These Bonuses!
Membership in a private Facebook community to receive/give support during/after the program.
Messaging access to the treatment team during the program through our app chat feature.
Lifetime access to all program content.
20 servings of organic reishi mushroom-infused coffee and tea. (10 of each)
FREE MetabolicBiome
Plus kit: ($120 value)
This 7-day kit optimizes gut microbiome to support healthy blood sugars
20% off our professional-grade supplements.
Members-only pricing on specialized functional lab testing (if needed). Requires a one-on-one visit for interpretation.
In This Powerful Program, You’ll Learn:
“This program helped me burn 25 pounds of fat - Now I feel
10 years younger, healthier and happier!"
Ashley 35, California - Mom Of 2 Kids
12-week group program
18 meetings
(Some meetings will be held virtually, some will be held in person)
Personalized content through the Premier Integrative Health wellness app.
Daily task list to help keep you engaged and on track.
Taught by Dr. Dyer, our nutritionist Brooke Seiz, our health coach Tricia Tayrien, with special guest speakers from the community!
Educational materials / videos from the top doctors in the country on topics to keep you inspired and motivated.
Membership in a private Facebook community to give and receive support during and after the program!
Chat feature to communicate with your treatment team in between appointments.
This Program Is For You If...
You can start right away! Once you purchase the “Zero To Unstoppable” program, you will be able to start learning about the principles I use everyday in practice, including what I believe are the all the areas, including the core four energy zappers that impact your brain, body & hormonal health.
We did not want to weigh you down with “heady” concepts or a lot of reading. So, each module is broken down into small chunks, including short video lessons that average anywhere from 3-5 minutes each.
The real learning is in the doing, and by drilling down into the real secrets of what is happening inside, we can discover your root cause solution and the total wellbeing you deserve. If you also would like to run some tests and dig a little deeper into your own body’s unique makeup, that can happen at the same time, within the same timeframe.
Once you have purchased the “Zero To Unstoppable” program you will receive your first introductory email welcoming you to the program, plus a follow-up email each week from me outlining your next steps.
Why $495?
If you follow the program steps, do the lessons, attend the trainings, and are still not satisfied with the program, connect with me so that we can find out what is not working for you. We cannot refund any fees paid for testing or fees for any one-on-one appointments with the doctor, health coach, or nutritionist, but you do have my personal 100% Happiness Guarantee that we will work with you in our fullest capacity to get answers for you and better results.
Zero To Unstoppable(™) is for those who can’t find the energy (or focus) they need to support the lifestyle they want. It is for educational purposes only and does NOT constitute specific medical advice in a legal physician/patient relationship. Instead, that would happen in a private 1-On-1 setting in our secure, HIPAA-compliant setting.
There are no guarantees made on accuracy at time of course publication, as the landscape of medicine and research changes daily. Always check with your personal physician before implementing the recommended lifestyle and dietary changes. If you do not have a physician, we will offer you a solution.
Supplements and nutritional supplements may interfere with prescribed medications. It is important that you do NOT start or stop any prescription medications without talking to your primary care physician first.
All of the products mentioned in Zero To Unstoppable have been scientifically tested by their manufacturers and independently reviewed for quality by others who are qualified to do so.
By enrolling in “ Zero To Unstoppable”, you understand the above statements.
A Final Word From Our Team
Creating a group-visit program has been one of the most rewarding and transformational things we have done at our practice.
This program goes far beyond making your lab results better, or even lowering the number on your bathroom scale. Our goal is to teach you the skills and knowledge you need to be a healthy human in mind, body, and spirit for the rest of your life.
Utilizing the cutting-edge (and centuries-old) concepts of integrative and functional medicine, as well as harnessing the power of community to support you along this journey, is truly the "secret sauce" that allows us to achieve such amazing outcomes.
We know this program is a commitment of your time and energy, however we also know we can get you an amazing return on your investment.
If you are ready to take control of your health and achieve a level of vitality you forgot was possible, we would be honored to be your guide.
©2025 Dr Doug Pucci Wellness Center | 617 Oradell Avenue, Oradell NJ 07649 | Phone (201) 379-6502