A Free Special Offer From Dr. Pucci:

The Secret to Living Lightly FREE 5-Day Email Course:

Sign up to learn 5 very simple, yet highly effective self-care routines and tiny personal habits you can implement right now that will help you enjoy the benefits of long-lasting weight loss success!

Here's What You'll Receive:

Over The NEXT 5 Days You Will Learn:

  • Why your weight loss plan needs a guiding light. Plus, what I feel are 3 key points every weight loss plan needs to have to be successful.
  • How to nourish your body and health with a few basic ingredients. This simple formula is not only easy to accomplish, it will give your inner microbiome the fuel it needs burn calories.
  • What you can do right now at home to maximize your body's ability to burn fat. Plus, I give you a few "stress-busting" techniques your body (and brain) actually crave, including answers to what "cravings" actually mean.
  • Why routine is so important to your body's internal ecosystem, called your microbiome. And how you can start to fine-tune your body's own natural, circadian rhythm using this one "tiny but mighty" technique.
  • How your weight loss plan is also fueled by better sleep. Not only is sleep the place for dreaming big, it is also one of our body's main pathways for discharging toxins and recharging our energy systems.

Meet Dr. Douglas Pucci, Functional Medicine Specialist & Founder, Pucci Wellness

Dr. Douglas J. Pucci, functional medicine specialist and founder, Pucci Wellness Center, in Oradell, NJ, is passionate about his mission to lead from the frontlines of medicine and break down access to treatment for patients. That’s why he’s created programs: To work with you to discover your root cause solution.

Now as ever Dr Pucci is deeply concerned about the numbers of patients who contact his office with a long list of medications, vitamins, and a history of emergency doctor's visits. “People start to panic because they see a lack of control over their own health,” he warns. Plus they use nutrition incorrectly, substituting products off the shelf for the features they would want in a drug.

Dr Pucci is a leader in root cause medicine, digging deeper into complex health issues. He is able to translate a large amount of complex material into a clear and compelling investigation of what's at the root.


Here's What Previous Participants Say...

"After the holidays (and given the past few years we've had) it's hard to imagine a better way to get back on track with my health than this. Thanks to Dr Pucci and Cynthia for putting together such an amazing effort that made it feel effortless on my end!"

Monica B.

Emerson, NJ

"I never miss a chance to learn whatever bits of wisdom Dr Pucci has to offer! He makes things so inspiring for me and easy to understand. I think we all need someone like Dr Pucci who can guide us back to good health when we get distracted."

Kimberly L.

Vernon, NJ

"Even though I have a background in nutrition and advocate for a lot of family and friends about holistic health care, there is still an art to coaching that Dr Pucci has and others do not. It's a real gift to be able to put together a program that delivers results (and to feel confident enough to share it publicly with others)! ---I can't wait for the next 5lb Challenge. I think of it like my annual check in!"

Patrice R.

New York, NY

Have questions or need help? Call (201) 379-6502 or email info@go.getwell-now.com

©2025 Dr Doug Pucci Wellness Center | 617 Oradell Avenue, Oradell NJ 07649 | Phone (201) 379-6502